Computer scientist by profession, I combine it when I can with being a writer.
I had been writing short stories for some time, which gives me the satisfaction of getting work done in a relatively short time and, from time to time, the gratification of winning an award (even if I was never published). I invite you to read a few of them in the section "short stories".
I started writing a novel several times, but was never able to get past four pages without getting lost along the way. You know: is the map, no it is the compass, inspiration is not coming, I don't have time, is because the grandmother smokes... The help I needed came tfrom the courses of 'School of Writing from the Ateneu Barcelones, where I did the narrative itinerary. Añpmg he wya, Collective 307 was born, made up of students from the school and Trebor Escargot, and we wrote collectively "Eleven short stories and four monsters". This is a book corrected, edited, and published by ourselves.
I completed the narrative itinerary, with my first novel, "The gaze of the beast", a noirl about male violence and the beast that many men have inside. With it I won the Vilassar de Noir 2019 award and got published by Llibres del Delicte (books of the criminal).
Then, for ithe ssue 50 of Llibres del Delicte, I was invited to participate with a short story and the result was"The case of the pandemic" which can be read in "DElinqüents (Criminals)".
Then I was asked to write a mystery for a collection of card games and GDM Guerra de Minos published"Sherlock: Fabian Essays"published in Spanish and already translated into French, English, Ukrainian, Russian, German and, in a near future, Italian.

As a next challenge I considered writing science fiction stories and I went to the fantasy narrative courses of Ricard Ruíz Garzón. Getting to know the work of authors such as Elia Barceló, Anna Starovinetz or Antoni Munné-Jordà has opened up a new world of possibilities for me. In these fantastic narrative courses a community was born called Frikipuls (freaky disciples), a bunch of fans of reading and writing fantasy stories. This community, born with the will to dominate the world, is gradually bearing fruit with "Sectarium Arcana", an anthology about obscure leaders, cults and sects, published in Spanish by Apache Books, where I participate with"Ursa Major" a science fiction posthuman story.
In 2022 Raig Verd (Green Ray) publish "Sex outside the Norm", a collection of very diverse erotic stories that break with "normative" heterosexuality in which I participate with"under the skin", a fatal attraction with a very fantastic twist.
Leaving the comfort zone, I dare to translate a story into Italian and manage to publish it in the anthology"Fantasy story" of Historical Editions.
And the collaborations don't stop. In 2023, hand in hand with Ivan Ledesma, I write "Wall of Fire", a science fiction story published in the anthology "Fantastic Tandems", a collection of 10 stories, all by four hands, in which the best and the best of fantastic literature in Catalan participate.
And even if is not writing per se, but I already have three editions of "Fantastic Songs", a series of shows in which I talk about songs with lyrics in the genre of science fiction, fantasy or horror, invited by CatCon (2022 i2023), the 42 festival (2022) and the podcast La Mata d'Heura.

And what comes next?
Perhaps I am willing to do too much, but I have a lot of open projects: I'm working on: a couple of card games,a posthuman science fiction novel, a collection of fantasy stories, the sequel to the "The gaze of the beast" and, if that wasn't enough, I am delving into other literary mechanisms such as television or graphic novel script. We'll see how it goes.
If you subscribe to the website, I'll keep you posted.